Sunday, December 28, 2008

observations on attention training

I've been watching and reading up on meditation a bit recently,
especially thanks to google techtalks speakers Philipe Golden, Jon Kabat-Zinn and Robina Courtin
and as a result experimenting with this a little bit.
In this day and age where so many have attention deficit disorder, like its not a muscle that can be trained, while many have been training it for centuries..

Oh, I'm no expert.. but I guess when one starts an exercise program, one starts to experience new pains and powers.

Apparently there are two types of meditation, practice where you work on focusing your attention..(maybe more a process of remembering, and returning focus to the object of attention) .. and exploration, where one observes and gains insight. Given the mystical nature attributed to dreams it makes sense that this state might naturally occur on awakening from sleep.
and this is what I had a little experience with this morning.. but my (as yet) poorly trained mind harvests only small insight so far.

I probably have it all wrong at this point..
more later.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

biking to work every other week

its not enough.. but its better than driving to work EVERY day.
today's ride was only 11.65 miles rather than the usual 11.75 - correlated to pumping up the tires this morning?
-- I like riding most of the way while the fog still blocks the sun, but arriving to work after the sun is out.. today most of the fog had burned off by the time I actually left the house. No one in the house is waking up early now that school is out.
Thinking about doing an MS150 ride with coworkers this fall.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Since Twitter is down..

As I get ready to go to a team building event this afternoon..
Last week I rode my bike 48 miles..
this week 0.. but I got in a walk around the perk ponds twice, and around great mall yesterday.
Not much.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bike to work day

So this week we celebrated bike to work day..
got me onto my bike for both Tues and Thurs..
11.75 mi each way.. for almost 50 miles this week.
The heats not too bad if you wait until late into the evening to ride home.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

More Riding from Last week

While Bob and I are still planning to do a ride over here on the east side.. I did get another commute ride in last week.. but this week featured a trip to San Diego, + Taxes.. so All I got done was a couple of walks and a getting my tail whomped in ping pong yesterday..
(maybe it was the Sake at dinner.. naw, my opponents were just better!)
Maybe tuesday I'll do the commute again..
Hope its warmer than today!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It was a dark and stormy day

But 12 miles each way.. 54 min rolling time to the office, 50 home. Taking a week and a half off between rides ain't such a great idea.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


So the posting here has actually tracked my exercise.. None.
I'm back where I started.
I Did ride my bike to work 1 day a couple of weeks ago.
ISSCC next week, then hopefully I can start riding again!